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The Man With the Golden Pussy
Starring Roger Lazenby
With the assistance of dangerous partner Kissy O'Toole and sidekick Oddjaws, Kamal Whitaker attempts to explode a nuclear weapon in Washington DC with a group of beautiful secret agents.

Moonpussy Royale
Starring Daniel Brosnan
007's nemesis Gustav Trevelyan, with the assistance of sidekick Oddjob and exotic partner Honey Pussy, plots to use nerve gas to steal an American missile.

Starring Daniel Lazenby
With the assistance of billions of dollars worth of cocaine, 007's nemesis Julius Kristatos, sidekick Oddjaws and exotic partner Dominique Galore plot to corner the Chinese computer industry.

The Spy With the Diamond Eye
Starring Timothy Moore
Aided by partner Kissy Galore and trillions of dollars worth of heroin, evil villain Dr. Elektra Orlov plans to instigate a nuclear war.

The Spy With the Golden Spy
Starring Roger Brosnan
Kamal No, aided by dangerous Solitaire Galore, plots to use billions of dollars worth of heroin to assassinate every Double-O agent.